Monday, April 20, 2009

nigella express - ice cream

As I mentioned I borrowed Nigella Express & last night I prepared her

No Churn Pomegranate Ice Cream (page 132).

- double cream
- icing sugar
- lime
- pomegranates

Tonight we taste tested it & it was so yummy! I am so happy I can make ice cream without an ice cream maker! (even though it's only simple ice cream).

I ended up substituting POM juice for real pomegranates as we couldn't find them at the local grocery store and since I'm lazy I also substituted lime juice for real limes.

So good and so natural tasting....but probably not much cheaper than just buying ice cream.

I can't wait to try this recipe out with green tea macha!

P.s. the breakfast bars never took a "bar" form & was just 1 congealed mess.....I have no idea why. On the bright side it's super yummy. =P I guess presentation isn't THAT important.

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